Penanganan Serangga dan HamaSpayer Husqvarna 321S25 & 321S15
Cylinder displacement : 25 cc
Power Output 0,7 kw
Tank Volume : 0,59 liter
Discarge liquid : 4 lit / minute
Container Capacity : @321s25 : 25 litre
@321s15 : 15 litre
Why ChooseSpayer Husqvarna 321S25 & 321S15 ?
- High Quality Material such as brass pump with plated pistons, improved water filters and stainless steel in spray lance
- Delivered with a straight 90 cm adjustable nozle and a lance nozzle with extension
- Comfortable Waterproff Harness
- Visible Water Level, the tank is made of se thru material.